About Us

Bringing innovation to more people in more places across Canada and around the world.

Who we are

From idea to impact

Mitacs empowers Canadian innovation through effective partnerships that deliver solutions to our most pressing problems. By driving economic growth and productivity, we create meaningful change to improve quality of life for all Canadians.

Human brain with connecting dots.

Our mission

Inspiring innovation and driving creative solutions

Mitacs is a catalyzing force in the Canadian innovation ecosystem. We build a world-class, diverse community of innovators through our collaborative model, attracting and deploying top talent to industry, and matching need with expertise to create ambitious solutions to real-world challenges.

An architect sitting at a desk in front of a model while using VR goggles.

Our history

A dynamic evolution

Founded in 1999, Mitacs has grown beyond its origins in mathematics. Today, we support a range of disciplines, from STEM to social innovation; we broadened our undertaking to include college and undergraduate students, as well as graduates and postdocs; and we expanded our network of businesses and not-for-profit organizations. With close to 400 employees and offices in Ottawa, Montréal, Toronto, and Vancouver we are an integral part of Canada’s innovation ecosystem.

Businesswoman using a smartphone with a global network of human icons coming out of the screen.

Meet our experts

Discover our team

With robust leadership and nearly 100 Mitacs advisors, we are dedicated to building and supporting new partnerships. In addition to our head office in Vancouver, Mitacs has 25 offices across Canada, including major regional centres in Montréal, Toronto, and Ottawa. 

Businesswoman discussing with a multiethnic team around a conference table.
What and where

From building partnerships to developing talent across all sectors and disciplines, Mitacs plays a unique role in the continuum of innovation.

What we do

For over 20 years, Mitacs has assisted organizations in reaching their goals, funded cutting-edge innovation, and created job opportunities for students and postdocs. We develop the next generation of researchers who will fuel Canada’s knowledge-based economy.

A hand touching a network of connected human icons over a world map.

Where we invest

From aerospace systems to childhood literacy rates, from deep learning to leveraging culture change theory, we believe that increasing Canada’s productivity and prosperity will be driven by successful innovation.


Construction heavy machinery moving along a rural track

Our leadership

Our board of directors and our executive and senior management teams are committed to ensuring leadership accountability to our employees and all our stakeholders.

News and events

Discover the game-changing projects that Mitacs-funded researchers and interns are developing that are changing the Canadian innovation landscape, and learn about upcoming must-attend events.

News Release
Program Update: Accelerate International Discontinuation

Vancouver, BC — Over the past year, Mitacs has undergone an effort to review our international offerings to ensure they continue meeting strategic goals and responding to the needs of the innovation ecosystem. As a result, we are moving ahead with changes to the Accelerate program to reduce complexity and provide more flexibility for international […]

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Mitacs programs are supported jointly by the federal and provincial governments and agencies, industry, and post-secondary institutions within Canada, as well as governments and universities overseas. We are committed to accountability, pursuing excellence in financial management, achieving our mission and vision, and ensuring research integrity.

A racially diverse group of businessmen's and businesswomen's hands raising up behind a transparent world map

Mitacs awards

The annual Mitacs Awards celebrate outstanding accomplishments of students, professors, and partner organizations who participated in Mitacs programs. The Mitacs Entrepreneur Awards recognize entrepreneurs who have turned their groundbreaking research into dynamic start-ups

Mitacs Awards winners posing cheerfully with their trophies during the 2021 awards ceremony

Scrupulous adherence to good corporate governance is a key tenet at Mitacs. We employ best practices in board governance, with the needs of employees, stakeholders, and partners foremost in our decision-making.

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Strategic plan

Mitacs’s strategic plan inspires the bold direction needed to position Canada as a global leader in innovation.

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Annual reports

Mitacs’s annual reports, created for ISED Canada, provide transparency into our financial reporting.

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Mitacs’s comprehensive program and research policies govern our accountability to our stakeholders.

Get Started

Ready to find out what Mitacs can do for you and your students? Contact us today!

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