
Find the right elements in the right place at the right time

Innovation success relies on creating the perfect mix — internally and externally.

Recruiting and Training

Like putting together a puzzle, assembling all the components your organization needs to ensure success can take time, energy and skill. Everything associated with your research, your mission and your innovation projects — from talent and financing to your partners, community and more — needs to be aligned, working together towards your goals.

But recruiting and retaining a quality team, establishing partnerships, accessing funding, developing strategies and effectively executing ideas can prove challenging. Integrating internal and external elements to create a seamless innovation ecosystem isn’t always easy.

Stir up success with Mitacs

You don’t have to figure it all out on your own. With over 20 years of experience fostering winning collaborations between not-for-profit organizations and postsecondary institutions (colleges and universities), our team of experts — as well as our relationships with governments, incubators, and key organizations in Canada and abroad — can help support and drive your mission.

How we help you achieve your goals

  • A team of 100+ Mitacs Advisors, embedded at Canadian postsecondary institutions, identifies the right expertise to address your organization’s challenges
  • Help you recruit highly skilled talent
  • Optimize your budget: because you pay only 50% of the project cost, your money goes further
  • Tap into national research networks
Your Key Benefits

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Maximize your R&D and innovation budgets and make your money go further

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We work with you to develop the scope and the roadmap of the project to achieve your goals

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We provide you with access to expertise not available in-house

Innovation insights

Mitacs has fostered thousands of successful collaborations between organizations and researchers.

Pivoting from bones to bread during COVID-19

Business students step in to help local organizations impacted by the pandemic. Across Canada, businesses and organizations grappling with the impact of COVID-19 are getting support from an unexpected resource: top local business students. Thanks to the recently launched Business Strategy Internship (BSI) program, Mitacs helps match students from top schools with employers looking for […]

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So, what are you waiting for?

Accelerate the pace of your innovation projects. Contact us today!

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Accédez aux talents et aux ressources dont vous avez besoin. Communiquez avec nous dès aujourd’hui!

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