Alberta High Resolution Wetland Inventory Methodology Development

This project aims to operationalize innovative methods for developing cost effective wetland inventories across Alberta by use of numerous sources of remote sensing data, namely light detection and ranging (LiDAR), synthetic aperture Radar (SAR), and optical imagery. The project will formalize a mapping specification, develop training and validation datasets (available in-kind from the academic supervisor and industry partner), and  review literature to identify candidate data platforms and mapping methodologies that have the potential to meet the requirements of the Alberta Wetland Classification System (AWCS) and the Canadian Wetland Inventory (CWI) data model.  A workflow will be developed to integrate candidate data sources and methodologies to yield high resolution wetland mapping and attribution. Project deliverables will support  the implementation of Alberta Wetland Policy and North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) Habitat Restoration and mitigation programs.

Faculty Supervisor:

Christopher Hopkinson


Craig Mahoney


University of Calgary


Geography / Geology / Earth science


Natural resources




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