Assessing Consumer Preferences for By-Catch Fishery Products

This project extends the development of an innovative fishery by-product business of an earlier Mitacs-funded project (McKay, McLachlan, O’Gorman, Oldroyd and Rad-Spice (2020)). The disposal of by-catch fish in Manitoba has been identified by fishers in Misipawistik Cree Nation as not only environmentally wasteful but also a missed opportunity for sustainable and culturally-relevant economic development. The earlier project is developing a restaurant/grocer survey to estimate the market for fish by-catch products in Manitoba. The current project proposes to extend this work by surveying consumers (online) regarding their preferences for by-catch fish products. We will ask questions aimed at gauging consumers’ health preferences, willingness to pay for an environmentally superior product, and concern for fishers’ remuneration, and their willingness to pay for such attributes. This information will bolster the business plan that Alex is developing for Misipawistik Cree Nations fishers by revealing characteristics of fish products that appeal to consumers.

Faculty Supervisor:

Melanie O’Gorman


Alex Oldroyd;Ricky Harper


Farmafeed Consulting






University of Winnipeg



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