Development of a Sustainable Program Quality Improvement Framework using a Balanced Scorecard Methodology at Family Services Ottawa

FSO (Family Services Ottawa) is a not-for-profit social service agency whose mission is to assist individuals, to build on their strengths and to improve their mental health. FSO does so by providing counselling, education, and advocacy within a context of working to foster systemic change. Although their programs are increasingly monitored and evaluated at the program level, FSO does not currently have a tool to assess and monitor their organization as a whole. This project will identify the most critical measures for monitoring and developing a strategic direction for the organization, balancing theories of strategy with the practical needs related to executing strategy. The intern will work with a working committee of relevant stakeholders and organization members to develop a performance monitoring template that the organization can use to track important information they can use to demonstrate effectiveness to funders and improve organizational functioning.

Faculty Supervisor:

John Sylvestre;Tim Aubry


Konrad Czechowski


Family Services Ottawa




Health care and social assistance


University of Ottawa



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