Feasibility Study of Wave Energy Conversion with Grid Connectivity

A renewable energy source that has not received much attention is tidal and wave energy, although numerous studies have concluded that wave power, and to a lesser extent tidal power, could contribute massive amounts to the overall energy picture. This project aims to explore the feasibility of tidal/wave energy absorption and its storage in the form of on-shore energy bank and using that to power on shore devices/generators. The primary activities in the proposed R&D activity include developing a proof-of-concept system in the lab as a pilot system for performing certain experiments using a hardware-in-the-loop platform. The lab-scale system can help to identify feasibility and performance of a scaled-up system under more practical conditions and the possibility of commercialization. The concept to be explored is an offshore surface floating foil that acts as a buoy, which acts to raise and lower a mechanical arm located at a nearby onshore pivot point.
This study will produce proof-of-concept results and help the team and the partner organization, Greenergy, in making commercialization decisions on the developed technology that has desirable features such as high-efficiency, economic viability, and environmental friendliness.

Faculty Supervisor:

Jiacheng Jason Wang;Mehrdad Moallem


Saeed Rezaee




Engineering - mechanical



Simon Fraser University



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