Frontiers in Continuous Variable Quantum Computation: From Theory to Practical Demonstration

Continuous variable (CV) encodings in photonic systems are emerging as one of the most promising avenues to near term, practical, quantum computing. In order for a CV quantum computer to outperform its classical counterparts it requires the integration of at least one “non-Gaussian” element. In photonic systems, such an element can, in principle, be a single photon or photon number resolving detector, or a subsystem that can reliably generate novel states of light beyond squeezed states While much has been done, both theoretically and experimentally, towards all-Gaussian demonstrations of CV quantum technology, relatively little has been attempted in developing non-Gaussian elements. In this project we will build the theoretical and experimental tools to generate as best possible the non-Gaussian states that are most useful, and find the optimal applications for non-Gaussian states that can be best generated.

Faculty Supervisor:

John Sipe


Hossein Seifoory




Physics / Astronomy




University of Toronto



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