In-Situ Stresses at the Aquistore CO2 Storage Site Based on Integrated Analysis of Downhole and Core Testing Data

This project will support efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting from coal-fired power generation. In this case, the greenhouse gas of interest is carbon dioxide which is captured at SaskPower’s Boundary Dam Power Station near Estevan, Saskatchewan. This carbon dioxide is transported to the nearby Aquistore site, where it is injected into porous sandstone formations at depths greater than 3000 m. In order to reduce the risks resulting from this injection (e.g., small induced earthquakes), it is necessary to understand the mechanical stresses that exist within and around these deep sandstones. The intern for this project will analyze rock samples and downhole measurements in order to interpret these stresses. This research will benefit the project partner (Petroleum Technology Research Centre) in pursuit of its mandate to facilitate research and development and demonstration projects into carbon storage, and to develop highly qualified personnel who will become leaders in industry.

Faculty Supervisor:

Chris Hawkes


Sepidehalsadat Hendi


Petroleum Technology Research Centre


Engineering - civil


Environmental industry




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