Material Formulation and Sheet Extrusion of Thermoplastic-Graphite Composites for Compression Molding of PEMFC Bipolar Plates

Hydrogen is a clean source of energy with zero greenhouse gas emissions. A very efficient method to obtain power from hydrogen is by using fuel cells, which generate electricity via an electrochemical reaction in which oxygen and hydrogen combine to form water with no harmful emissions. Of the major components of fuel cells are Bipolar Plates, which cost about one-third of the total cost of the fuel cells. As a result, reducing the cost of such components, specifically the manufacturing cost, while maintaining or improving their performance is a primary goal for the producers of fuel cells. Polymer-graphite composites has become the low-cost alternative material for the bipolar plates, currently made of thermoset (e.g. epoxy)-graphite composite materials. Such composite materials must have certain characteristics, but most importantly high electrical conductivity, especially in through-plane direction (TPEC). In addition, they should have an adequate flexural strength and fracture toughness to withstand the manufacture and operators’ handling throughout the processing and postprocessing (grooves making) mold-ability. Other desirable characteristics include: i) lost cost (material cost and conversion cost), and ii) low scrap rate (low rate of failure, especially during assembly, and recyclability).

Faculty Supervisor:

Ghaus Rizvi


Muhammad Tariq




Engineering - mechanical




Ontario Tech University



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