Power transformers reliability modeling with data obtained in structure monitoring using fiber optics sensing

The intern will work on building power transformersÂ’ aging models based on reliability theories and actual field test data collected using optic fiber based health monitoring technologies. This is part of a novel solution to handle the accident prevention and maintenance for major power and grid equipment. The novelty lies in that the model verification and execution will be realized with physical parameters directly obtained from transformers in real-time. The data used will be those collected on in-service transformers. While the candidate will take advantage of his prior experience in acoustic sensing technologies, his work for the model development will benefit from the industry co-workers who will assist the candidate with their expertise in the insulation aging. The work will make the data processing, modeling and analysis and customer report writing all computer-automated. The partner company will ensure a punctual delivery to customers of the outcomes from a service, including a report on the customÂ’s asset health condition and recommendations of maintenance actions.

Faculty Supervisor:

Hua Lu


Xipeng Li


QPS Photronics Inc.


Engineering - mechanical






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