Solid Waste Management Best Practices: cost effective options to sustainably manage solid waste in the Peace River Regional District

The Peace River Regional District (PRRD) and the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), are collaborating on the development of a solid waste management plan (SWMP) whose foundation is based on the five “R”s as outlined in A Guide to Solid Waste Management Planning (2016) produced by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment1. The hierarchy of the five R approach is: reduce, resuse, recycle, recover, residuals. While strategies have been put in place by the PRRD to encourage the reduce and reuse initiatives, this proposal focusses on the recycle and recover aspects. The PRRD and UNBC wish to conduct preliminary feasibility studies to explore means to i) Increase the diversion of solid waste generated in the PRRD and its byproducts; ii) commercialize out-of-district recycling and post-recycling production so that the PRRD may become a leader in SWM by processing recyclables that were previously destined for foreign countries.

Faculty Supervisor:

Hossein Kazemian


Dominic Reiffarth


Peace River Regional District




Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services


University of Northern British Columbia



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