Stereoscopic Eye Tracking

This project involves several researchers in the Multimedia Communications Lab at SFU, and is
aimed at developing a prototype system for binocular stereoscopic eye tracking. The system
will consist of eyeglasses worn by the subject, two infrared eye cameras (one for each eye) and a
stereo imaging device. In addition to conventional gaze direction estimation, this would require
estimating the gaze depth as well. Some of the challenges related to the development of such a
system are: Synchronization of the measurements from the two eyes, multi-eye calibration, gaze depth estimation, markers for stereoscopic binocular eye tracking, visualization of 3-D fixation data.

The Globalink student intern working on this project may fit into any of the five subprojects
listed above, depending on his/her set of skills and interests.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Ivan Bajic







Information and communications technologies


Simon Fraser University


Globalink Research Internship

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