Weather and Climate Information for Snow Recreation

Individuals and organizations use weather information to help inform day-to-day decisions. This project focuses on the use of weather information by winter recreationists in the Province of Ontario. Based on survey data, the project will identify the main sources of weather forecast information, the importance placed on this information, and the influence of specific aspects of such information in decision making. Analysis of climate weather-station data will also be completed to understand the influence of micro-climatic factors on observed weather at one Ontario ski resort. Both the Ontario Snow Resort Association and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs serve their members by being a provider of key information for strategic and operational planning. The proposed research will address some of the knowledge gaps related to weather information utilization by winter recreationists, including skiers, snowboarders and snowmobilers.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Jean Andrev


Michelle Rutty


Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs


Geography / Geology / Earth science


Environmental industry


University of Waterloo



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