Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?

Mitacs takes no position on intellectual property (IP). IP is to be shared between the academic institution, its researchers, and the partner organization according to the academic institution’s IP rules, unless a separate agreement is negotiated. Mitacs can facilitate IP discussions with any Canadian academic institution. Please refer to the Program Administration section for a […]

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Can academic supervisors and/or co-supervisors supervise more than one internship?

There is no stated limit to the number of internships an academic supervisor can support, however, there are practical limits to how much time is reasonably available in their schedule to manage multiple internships. Academic supervisors and/or co-supervisors are expected to provide hands-on guidance to interns as they move through the project. * It must […]

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How can the flexible project funds be spent?

Mitacs follows Tri-Agency eligible expenses for use of funds. Please refer to the Mitacs Use of Funds policy for details of eligible expenses for Mitacs programs. If you have any questions about the Business Strategy Internship (BSI) program, please email the Business Strategy Internship team.

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What needs to be done to complete a project?

All participants (interns, academic supervisors, and partner organizations) will be required to complete an exit survey within 30 days of the end of the project date. Academic institutions will be required to complete a Financial Report and submit to Mitacs outlining the awards paid out. Intern final reports are not required for this program.

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