What does the professional development component for Elevate involve?

As a Mitacs Elevate postdoctoral fellow, you have free access to our Mitacs Professional Development training workshops and courses. Courses and workshops revolve around eight course bundles, comprising eight online self-paced courses and seven online instructor-led workshops. The instructor-led workshops are offered in an engaging and interactive learning environment More details: Elevate Your Research Career […]

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When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?

Invoices must be paid in full to Mitacs prior to any internship funds being sent by Mitacs to the university. Please note that all partner funds must be sent directly to Mitacs and not to the university. The funds must be received in advance of the internship start date.

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Is the Elevate award a stipend or a salary? Will benefits be deducted?

Elevate is offered in partnership with your academic institution, which administers the award. We recommend that students speak with their academic supervisor and institution about postdoc status (“employees” or “trainees”), funding policies (“stipend” or “salary”), and potential deductions of benefits. Academic institutions administer funds according to their individual institutional policies, which are flexible under Tri-Council […]

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Can a fellow change their academic supervisor, academic institution and/or partner organization for the second year of the fellowship?

Requests to change the academic supervisor, academic institution and/or organization partner will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Applicants requesting such a change will be asked to provide a clear and satisfactory justification. Impacts on the research project and learning environments (academic and partner organization) will be assessed to ensure a high-quality experience for the […]

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Can fellows take Parental Leave while in the program?

Yes. This should be communicated to their academic supervisor, organization partner and academic institution. Their fellowship will be put on hold for this period of time, and they will not be paid from your fellowship. Once a return date has been determined, they will need to inform Mitacs of when they plan on returning to […]

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If a fellow cannot complete the full term of their Mitacs Elevate fellowship, what is the procedure for returning the unused contribution funds to their academic supervisor/partner organization?

If a fellow plans to terminate their award early, they will need to send a written notice to Mitacs, including the reasons for such action and the effective termination date, to elevate@mitacs.ca. Their host academic institution will be required to return any prorated funds for the remainder of the fellowship. Once the academic institution returns […]

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