How does the funding work?

Internships are 4–6-month units of a research project, valued at $15K per unit, with $7,500 from both the partner organization and Mitacs, to support post-secondary research projects. Funds flow through the academic institution with a stipend to the student at a minimum of $10K, with up to $5K to support research costs. Please refer to […]

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Can a partner organization contribute more than $6,000 per internship?

Yes. Partner organizations are welcome to contribute additional funding but Mitacs will not provide any additional funding outside of the standard award. [This additional partner funding should be included in the application budget and the anticipated use of funds (e.g., stipend/salary top-up, specialized equipment)]. Top-up funds must be received at Mitacs at the same time […]

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Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?

Mitacs takes no position on intellectual property (IP). IP is to be shared between the academic institution, its researchers, and the partner organization according to the academic institution’s IP rules, unless a separate agreement is negotiated. Mitacs can facilitate IP discussions with any Canadian academic institution. Please refer to the Program Administration section for a […]

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What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?

In order to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects, you would need both an academic partner and a non-academic partner (e.g. a partner organization such as a for-profit or not-for-profit corporation) who would also be benefiting from the research.

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Are part-time students eligible?

In order to participate in any Mitacs program, it is preferred that interns have full-time student or postdoctoral fellow status at their academic institution. However, part-time students are also eligible for Accelerate internships that do not include international travel, provided that the following conditions hold: • They have student status at the academic institution for […]

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Can a student intern with a company for whom they previously worked?

Mitacs cannot support an internship in which the intern is doing work they were previously doing as an employee or contractor. We can allow internships where the student has previously been an employee or contractor under the following conditions: • The intern has gone back to school to pursue a new post-secondary diploma or degree […]

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