Networking Skills

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Advance your reach – Self-paced e-learning. Asynchronous course – 90 min 

Upon completion of this course, you are invited to self-enroll and participate in a facilitated session.  

Learning outcomes: 

  1. Have the skills to transition to a new role 
  2. Set network goals 
  3. Make your LinkedIn profile work for you 
  4. Network with positive results 
  5. Position yourself for a job in industry 

 Building your project network map – Facilitated session. Synchronous course – 120 min  

In this session, participants will develop the skills needed to build a network map for their project and brainstorm a networking map for their project. When complete, the map will identify the key decision-makers, influencers, financiers, and users across all phases of their project. 

Learners that have completed the asynchronous course “Advance your reach”.

How to Apply