A case study on the influence of fuel quality on the concentration and chemical components of PM2.5 from vehicle emission

Recently, poor air quality due to fine particles (PM2.5) in large areas of China has gained much international attention, and vehicle emission is a significant source of PM2.5. Fuel quality is one of the influencing factors on vehicle emission. However, due to a large number of potential factors including fuel attributes, emission control devices, and driving conditions, there is a lack of systematic investigations on the relationship between fuel quality and PM2.5 emission quantities as well as its compositions. This study aims to improve our understanding of current practice and knowledge gaps in the fuel quality-PM2.5 emission relationship. This will be archived by a literature review and a pilot experimental study. A better understanding of relationship between fuel quality and vehicular PM2.5 emission will provide decision makers useful information. This information will lead to improved fuel quality thus to reduce discharge of air pollutants and to mitigate its health effects

Faculty Supervisor:

Iris Xiaohong Xu


Tianchu (Mark) Zhang



Engineering - civil



University of Windsor



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