A Story-Based Positive Youth Development Program For Young Hockey Players

Despite the numerous benefits of participating in child and youth sport, they not guaranteed. Purposeful efforts must be made to ensure that sport offerings are age appropriate, promote engagement and enjoyment, and involve quality social relationships. This project represents a partnership with the objective of finalizing and delivering a story-based positive youth development (PYD) program—The 1616 Program—for young hockey players (10 years of age) in North America. The aim of the 1616 Program is to use elite hockey players as role models—through story-telling—to serve as motivating agents to introduce and engage young athletes with important concepts pertaining to PYD. This Mitacs funded project aligns with knowledge translation frameworks that ensure that the creation and evaluation of the 1616 Program pilot are based on the research literature, while also aligning with the founder’s vision for the program.

Faculty Supervisor:

Luc J Martin


Kelsey Saizew;Jennifer Coletti


Ladd Foundation




Other services (except public administration)


Queen's University



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