An appliance and methodology for making customizable food bars with optimal textural properties

In today’s world, there is an increasing need for convenience and customizability in food products, though these may be competing priorities. Food on the go, such as protein bars and cereal bars, are a popular choice for convenience, but despite the enormous variety of food bars for sale, there is still a need for increased customization. Making customized food bars at home is possible using a conventional oven and/or stove with store-bought ingredients, and numerous techniques and recipes can be easily found on the internet. However, generating food bars at home that consistently have optimal flavor and texture profiles may be out of reach for the average consumer. Therefore, we propose to development the technology to quickly and easily make these bars on demand (either at home or in a commercial setting). Such a device would enable consumers to enjoy a fresh, warm product that is easily customizable to meet dietary requirements and personal preferences.

Faculty Supervisor:

John M Frostad


Chike Okwara


BarTendr Ventures


Engineering - chemical / biological


Professional, scientific and technical services




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