An innovative biosurgical approach to osteoarthritis treatment

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a growing burden in an aging society. There are few proven treatments and hence disability contributes to poor quality of life and direct/indirect costs to society. Hyaluronic acids have been show to improve OA symptoms but usually the onset is delayed by weeks. Corticosteroid therapy in contrast has a quick onset of action but is very brief in duration (only ~ 2 weeks). Hence, a novel combination of these therapies may offer patients improved symptoms relief and quality of life. Furthermore, OA symptoms include both increased pain and reduced mobility. Exercise has been shown to improve symptoms in OA however this also is fraught with worsening of pain. We propose a novel low impact exercise modality that improves balance and gait. This program of research should improve patient options and improve knowledge in OA management.

Faculty Supervisor:

Robert Petrella


Erin Shellington





Life sciences


Western University



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