An optimization model for scheduling the efficient flow of waste material in an underground gold mine

In an underground gold mine, the movement of ore and waste material occurs on a massive scale and short-term excavation activities should be scheduled so that that the right proportions of these materials are moving through the mine in order to meet production targets. In the proposed project, a mathematical optimization model will be formulated and tested on-site, in order to improve the short-term excavation scheduling activities, resulting in the desired balance of ore and waste material flowing through the mine. This model is to be used by GoldCorp managers as a decision support tool in order to ensure that the efficiency of scheduled operations are optimized. The intern funded by this project will be a highly qualified person, capable of making a major contribution to Canada’s international competiveness in the mining industry.

Faculty Supervisor:

Kevin Crowe


Suliman Emdini Gliwan


Newmont Goldcorp


Resources and environmental management


Mining and quarrying


Lakehead University



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