An outcome evaluation of the Family Services Ottawa Long-Term Counselling Program

Family Services / Services à la famille Ottawa’s (FSFO) long term counselling program is delivered to individuals living with severe and persistent mental illness. Although their counsellors anecdotally report improvement in clients, FSFO has not evaluated the results for this client group as a result of their work with FSFO. Since 2015, FSFO had been using the Outcome Questionnaire-45.2 (OQ-45.2) a survey that measures client progress in therapy, for their long-term counselling program to inform the practice of counsellors with the clients. The current proposed study will examine client outcomes by analyzing data collected through clients’ regular completion of the OQ-45.2 as they received services. An analysis of the data (including interviews with staff and clients) will allow for an examination of how clients show progress in their functioning from when they start receiving counselling to when they finish.

Faculty Supervisor:

Tim Aubry


Konrad Czechowski


Family Services Ottawa




Medical devices




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