Assessing the impact of restoring semi-natural habitat on farmland on agricultural productivity

The goal of this project is to understand how habitat enhancements, such as semi-natural or natural native managed hedgerows, grass margins, and grassland set-asides impact both pollination and pest control in berry fields in the Delta, BC region. Our hypothesis is that the inclusion of these natural habitats will promote beneficial insect diversity. Beneficial insects include pollinators, such as bumble bees, and natural enemies, such as ladybugs that feed on aphids. Through the collaboration between UBC and DF&WT, we hope to provide our partner organization with up-to-date research to better inform their associated berry growers that will allow them to better manage their farms in such a way that will benefit both production and nature.

Faculty Supervisor:

Claire Kremen;Juli Carrillo


Matthew Tsuruda;Carly McGregor


Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust


Environmental sciences



University of British Columbia



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