Awechigewin: Developing a Virtual Approach to Community-Based Planning with Michipicoten First Nation

The proposed research project will use a combination of Participatory Action Research and Indigenous Research Methods to create an online engagement tool to gather Michipicoten First Nation (MFN) member’s perspectives on draft planning strategies and policies regarding six priority areas. Engagement is a challenge for MFN as a displaced and widely dispersed community, challenges which are heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Online engagement is an important tool for reaching Michipicoten citizens on- and off-reserve, particularly during the pandemic. Findings from the intern’s research will be used by MFN to support their ongoing Community Land Use Planning Process. The research could also be use by other Indigenous communities to inform their planning and engagement efforts during the pandemic and beyond.

Faculty Supervisor:

Janice Barry


Skylar Niehaus


The First Nation of Michipicoten Cultural Association




Other services (except public administration)


University of Waterloo



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