Biosurfactant Production from Seafood Processing Waste

This project aims at developing an innovative technology through the utilization of fish waste as substrates for biosurfactant production. Through the proposed approach, fish waste will be recovered into fishery peptone and being used as a nutrient substrate for the synthesis of biosurfactant products with promising market values. The outcomes of this project will directly provide the fishery industry a new model of fish waste reuse and management by “turning waste into valuable products”. It will also help reduce waste discharge and protect the environment. Last but not least, it creates revenues by producing high value-added products and consequently promote the sustainable development of fishery and seafood processing industries in Canada and beyond.

Faculty Supervisor:

Baiyu (Helen) Zhang


Zhiwen Zhu


Springboard Atlantic


Engineering - civil


Professional, scientific and technical services


Memorial University of Newfoundland



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