Breeding Waterfowl Use of Restored Wetlands in the Cariboo Region of British Columbia

The intern will be conducting surveys of breeding waterfowl at nine wetlands previously restored by Ducks Unlimited Canada. Wetlands provide abundant ecosystem services and are threatened by modification from environmentally damaging human activities that have reduced their quantity and function. Waterfowl are highly dependent on wetlands for many stages of their lifecycle and Ducks Unlimited Canada helps waterfowl by restoring wetlands. This study provides direction for future wetland restoration decisions by helping clarify what wetland size and vegetation cover types are most beneficial to breeding waterfowl in the Cariboo region of British Columbia. By identifying the most effective wetland sizes and vegetation cover ranges, this study will help guide wetland restorationists and managers at Ducks Unlimited Canada in site selection and planning of future wetland restoration proje

Faculty Supervisor:

Douglas Ransome;Jason Emery


Zane Zondervan


Ducks Unlimited Canada


Environmental sciences





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