Catalysing Network Change: Exploring Practical Tools to Spark Food Network Action

Food systems organizations work brings together planners, community organizers, public health professionals, food producers, distributors and other food champions to transform food systems through direct action in communities, and collective action across organizations and regions. Many regions across Ontario have identified a fundamental challenge: moving from collaboration to action within their region. This includes the challenges of engaging policy-makers; finding ways to identify and include relevant, absent voices; creating a space where uncomfortable conversations can lead to constructive engagement; and agreeing on a specific area of focus in a food system rife with issues, among organizations whose mandates target not only food but health, climate change, poverty and social justice, among others. This project will help to provide pathways to action by collecting and assessing the merits of different approaches used with success in other regions to move from strategy to action.

Faculty Supervisor:

Charles Levkoe


Kirsti Tasala


Sustain Ontario




Other services (except public administration)


Lakehead University



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