Characterization and numerical simulation of precipitation in the climatic wind tunnel at Ontario Tech

Climatic wind tunnels (CWTs) can repeatedly control variables such as temperatures, humidity, rain, snow, etc., that cannot be controlled outdoors. This allows tests to be performed faster, in weeks instead of years, thus speeding up the product development cycle. However, generating realistic precipitation in a CWT is still a challenge, because it is not well understood and it is difficult to create repeatable precipitation as desired by industry. The objective of the proposed research is to characterize the precipitation in the CWT at Ontario Tech, and develop a numerical precipitation simulation model. The study will involve physical experiments to obtain parameters such as liquid water content, mean volume diameter, droplet number concentration, and particle size distribution are essential for precipitation characterization. They are essential for precipitation characterization and will also serve as validation data for the development of the numerical simulation model. Further, they will provide insight in the quality of precipitation generated in the CWT. The industry partner will gain insight in applying its analytics tools to precipitation data. This collaboration will also help the interns gain industry relevant skills.

Faculty Supervisor:

Martin Agelin-Chaab


Olivia Shurtleff


GlassHouse Systems


Engineering - mechanical




Ontario Tech University



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