Ciena OPn – WP 2.1.2 Advanced, Intelligent, Analytics Driven Apps for Software Defined and Functionally Virtualized Networks

Ciena, the network specialist, is collaborating with Universities and SMEs in Ontario and Québec in order to develop an ecosystem that accelerates advanced research and development activities in the fields of highcapacity optical transmission systems, software defined networks, business intelligence and process automation. A steady-state of over 50 Masters, PhD and Post-Doc students per year, supervised by 25 researchers from 9 universities and in close collaboration with 5 SMEs, is proposed. The program is expected to stimulate advanced research and intellectual property production in Canada and have a significant impact on the development of highly qualified resources as well as on Ciena’s next generation of products. This research project is in the field of software defined networks.

Faculty Supervisor:

Nathalie Japkowicz


Saeed Rahmani


Ciena Corp.




Information and communications technologies


University of Ottawa



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