Community based learning: developing a sense of place in a global world

This research focuses on the design, implementation and assessment of an innovative community based learning project between The Land Conservancy of British Columbia (Enterprises) Ltd. (TLC‐E) and The Land Conservancy of British Columbia (TLC). TLC‐E is a profit‐oriented business unit of TLC that delivers community based learning on a fee‐for‐service basis in support of The Land Conservancy’s overall mission, which includes providing opportunities for the public to take part in experiential education programs that inspire stewardship of their home‐place. This research assesses to what extent university students participating in hands on environmental community based learning become more aware of and involved in environmental issues facing their community. In addition to answering this primary research question, the outcomes of the study will address some of the partners’ primary concerns in developing effective, collaborative best practices in the delivery of high quality experiential community based learning opportunities.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Duncan M. Taylor


Tara Todesco


TLC The Land Conservancy (Enterprises) Ltd.


Resources and environmental management




University of Victoria



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