Comprehensive study of tri-generation system based on ClimateWell technology for Canadian residential homes

A feasibility study will be conducted for a proposed tri-generation (generation of heat, electricity and cooling) using a Stirling engine and a ClimateWell heat activated chiller. The Stirling engine will provide simultaneous heat and electricity from burning natural gas. The heat from the engine will be transferred to either space heating, domestic hot water heating, or to the heat activated chiller. The chiller will then be able to provide space cooling. The ClimateWell chiller has been installed in commercial applications (hospitals, commercial building, etc.) but has not yet been used for residential applications. The proposed study seeks to determine the engineering and economic feasibility of the tri-generation for residential use. Mitacs interns will be installing, running, and testing a prototype system at the Archetype Sustainable House at the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. The data will be analyzed and design improvements/recommendations will be made.

Faculty Supervisor:

Drs. Alan S. Fung, David Naylor & Seth Dworkin


Navid Ekrami, Zannatul Moiet Hasib, & other


Union Gas Limited


Engineering - mechanical




Ryerson University



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