Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modelling of Septic Tank Project

Advanced mathematical techniques will be applied to optimize the design of septic tanks of Clearford Industries. Effective design of these tanks depends on several operational parameters such as flow rate, temperature and location (industrial parks, rural communities or private individual properties) of the tanks. Due to the said parameters, it becomes difficult for the companies to manufacture and install tanks without in©depth knowledge on flow hydraulics. Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methodology, prediction of flow patterns within the tank can be obtained in a reasonable time frame at a relatively lower cost. This will in turn help the industries to test different tank designs for various conditions before installing it to the customer site.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Graham Gagnon


Yamuna Srinivasan Vadasarukkai


Clearford Industries Inc.




Environmental industry


Dalhousie University



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