Concept design and feasibility evaluation for the QEYSSat microsatellite mission

This project focuses on the concept design and ACS/Geolocation simulation of an Earth-observation microsatellite in Low Earth Orbit. MSCI has a long history of building microsatellites, but not for an Earth observation mission. In this research, we will evaluate the current MSCI multi-mission bus design capability, given its current hardware, for use in the QEYSSat microsatellite mission proposal. QEYSSat is a proposed mission to create a quantum link between ground and space using polarized photons and to transmit encryption keys to ground based users using this link. The proposed project will determine ways to improve the satellite bus mechanical design as well as its attitude control and Geolocation capabilities in order to meet the QEYSSat mission requirements. This will include analysis of the current multi-mission bus structure, solar panels, orbit and attitude determination sensors and actuators, hardware timing latency, and the bus Geolocation/ACS accuracy using conventional algorithms. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Regina Lee


Sobhan Etemadi


Microsat Systems Canada Inc




Aerospace and defense




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