Connections Design in New Double Wythe Insulated Wall Panel Containing Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC)

Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) double wythe panels are commonly used in building envelopes, however, the connections between panels have not been investigated properly. Several design connections will be designed and tested in association with the industrial partner to determine the feasibility of the designs. The project will investigate the structural behaviour and strength of different connections through experimental means. The connections of UHPC double wythe panels will be tested under various conditions to gather data in order to establish the efficiency of the panel connections. A parametric and analytical study will also be conducted to aid in producing design equations. This project will aid the industrial partner to promote the use of UHPC double wythe panels in the precast industry and establish a completed design guideline to benefit the construction sector.

Faculty Supervisor:

Amir Fam


Andy John Prejs;Akram Rasheed Jawdhari


Canadian Precast Prestressed Concrete Institute




Construction and infrastructure


Queen's University



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