Construction site safety: Real-time personnel counting and personal protective equipment recognition

Construction projects always include incidents that may cause the labors injuries or even death. To mitigate the consequences of these incidents the labors are required to comply with a series safety advises and requirements that are forced by institutional guidelines. They are supposed to use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as hard hat and vest. However, sometimes correct usage of these equipment is neglected by the workers and construction managers and field engineers need to oversee them. moreover, with the current situation with pandemic the number of the workers should be limited to respect the safe distancing. Monitoring large construction site is time consuming and labor intensive. Therefore, in this research project an automated personnel counting and PPE detection framework using artificial intelligence and computer vision is proposed. The proposed framework help the company to monitor and control the safety requirements in its construction sites in real time and with lower cost.

Faculty Supervisor:

Fuzhan Nasiri


Saeed Moradi




Engineering - civil


Construction and infrastructure


Concordia University


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