Control of Line Complications with KiteLock (CLiCK) in the Intensive Care Unit

A central venous catheter (CVC) is a thin, silicone tube that a doctor may insert into the vein of a patient to deliver medications directly into their bloodstream. If the patient does not need constant medication, nurses fill the CVC with salt water to keep the tube open. This is called ‘locking’ the CVC.
Because a CVC is a foreign object introduced into the body, it may put already vulnerable patients at risk of developing complications such as infection and blood clots. Although locking with salt water keeps the CVC open, it offers little protection from CVC complications.
We propose partner with SterileCare Inc. to investigate a novel locking fluid with additional protective properties in intensive care patients. We will compare CVC complication rates to those treated with standard salt water locks in multiple hospitals. This will aid SterileCare Inc. in testing their product in a patient population they have not yet studied.

Faculty Supervisor:

Steven Reynolds


Marlena Ornowska


SterileCare Inc




Professional, scientific and technical services


Simon Fraser University



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