Design, manufacture and mechanical evaluation of a click interlock system for wall panels

The proposed research project falls within the framework of construction techniques and materials. In general, North American family homes are built with a wooden frame. Traditionally, the exterior wall can be made of aluminum, brick or stone. However, modern solutions offer prefabricated walls ready to install with designs that mimic other building materials like brick, stone etc. Mounting the exterior decorative wall requires screw fasteners. In the proposed project, Canada Inc. proposes a solution that goes beyond the available solutions. The Canada Inc. solution is based on the click concept used for wood flooring. These are male and female parts that fit together as in the case of a Velcro. In partnership with Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Inc. would like to optimize its wall assembly concept using the click method.

Faculty Supervisor:

Rachid Boukhili


Mahrez Ait Mohammed


Elegant Flooring Ltd


Engineering - mechanical


Advanced manufacturing




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