Designing Freely-available Online Health Sciences Trainings for Low-resourced Settings

Health Sciences Online is currently helping to start and sustain schools of dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, public health, and speech-language pathology in the Caribbean, China, Colombia, India, Kenya, South Africa, and Zambia, and we are testing how this inexpensive, relatively easy, high-quality model works best. As HSO’s next phase, and the area on which the MITACS trainee would work, we're collaborating with colleagues all over the world in creating what we expect will soon become the largest, most accessible, high-quality health sciences university — all done with distance HSO-based didactics, local hands-on mentoring, and peer-to-peer distance feedback.  We plan to train many thousands of trainees at a time, particularly in developing countries, with students remaining in their home environments (and thereby building capacity, instead of encouraging brain drain).

A research student can assist us in finding consensus and high quality resources. He/she would help us in achieving our goal of designing high quality online course modules for trainees, faculty and practitioners in low-resourced health care settings.The student will identify curricula that fulfill the training goal of the students,,work with an Advisory committee, and incorporate their feedback, populate the curriculum (find the relevant links) and design a marketing strategy to promote the credentials.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Erica Frank


Kartik Bajaj



Public administration


Information and communications technologies


University of British Columbia


Globalink Research Internship

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