Determination of groundwater effects of the new Foothills Regional Waste Management Center storm-water management system

A new groundwater monitoring will be conducted consistently throughout the precipitation period (May~October) to collected a seasons worth of data around the “Engineered Forest”. The newly collected data will then be compared to historical values of the FRWMF to see if there are any observable differences between the two. This will prove there is no measurable effect of the “Engineered Forest”. As well, an idea of the groundwater fate and transport from the storm-water will be identified.
This research is in its primary stages and is a proof of concept of the “Engineered Forest” for Banner Environmental Engineering Consultants. It serves as a case study for future storm-water management systems around the rest of the FRWMF and other waste management centers locally and nationally.

Faculty Supervisor:

Angus Chu


Musthafa Shafeeq


Banner Environmental Engineering Consultant Ltd


Engineering - civil


Natural resources




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