Development of a CNC Machine Tool Performance Simulation System: “The VCNC System”

Industry uses computer numerical controlled (CNC) machine tools to manufacture parts efficiently at high speed. Before batch manutfacturing is performed confidently, a trial]and]error cutting test is required to validate if part tolerances are violated, which is a costly and time]consuming procedure. The objective of this research project is to develop a Virtual CNC System, which can simulate the CNC motion in virtual environment. Hence, the feed motion of general multi]axis machine tools will be modeled by considering the machine's kinematics structure and the dynamics of the servo system, namely the ball]screw and linear drives. The effect of cutting process will be integrated through the servo loop as disturbance to simulate the interaction between machine and process. Thus, packaging the complete engineering design, analysis and simulation system, namely the Virtual CNC System, has significant potential to be used both in the industry as well as in engineering school as an advanced design and teaching tool for multi]axis motion control systems.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Yusuf Altintas


Burak Sencer| Chinedum Okwurdire | KeithDunwoody


Manufacturing Automation Laboratories Inc.






University of British Columbia



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