Development of (doped-)Graphene for Clean Energy Applications

The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2010 was awarded to two researchers “for groundbreaking experiments regarding the graphene”. Since then, graphene, a new-type and two-dimensional (one-atom-thickness) allotrope of carbon with a planar honeycomb lattice, has become one of the most exciting topics of research due to their remarkable properties including ultra-high surface area (calculated value, 2,630 m2g-1), high conductivity (resistivity: 10-6 ? cm, the lowest resistivity substance known at room temperature) and high chemical stability. Accordingly, graphene has many potential applications in nanotechnology, electronic, optics, and other fields of materials science, as well in architectural fields. It is also expected that graphene research will offer a new type of carbon-metal nanocomposite for the next generation of catalysts.

The student will be actively engaged in working on cutting-edge topics in a multi-disciplinary environment, and will receive significant training on the synthesis of graphene and doped graphene (such as N-doping), and their characterization.

Faculty Supervisor:

Shuhui Sun


Apratim Khandelwal








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