Development of ice-load simulator for offshore wind turbine towers

Ice load is a major design concerns for structures in the ice prone region especially for slender, monopole structures such as wind turbine towers where the dynamic load can induce severe vibrations. A careful assessment is essential to demonstrate the economic viability of such projects; however, the current design guidelines does not cover site-specific conditions for ice load and state-of-the-art knowledge on dynamic ice-structure interaction. In this project a simplified dynamic ice-structure interaction model will be developed based on fundamental ice mechanics observed in the laboratory experiments. The model will be incorporated in an ice load simulation tool where ice load can be estimated for different ice conditions to make informed design decisions. Through the Lab2Market program, the commercial potential of such a tool will be explored.

Faculty Supervisor:

Rocky Taylor


Ridwan Hossain


Springboard Atlantic


Engineering - mechanical


Professional, scientific and technical services


Memorial University of Newfoundland



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