Development of Nanostructures Embedded Early-Warning Electronic Sensing Device for Roadside Ultra Low Level Detection of Cannabis, cocaine, opiates, and Alcohol in Saliva

Drug-impaired driving represents a significant and increasing threat to the safety of Canadians and there is an urgent need for a convenient, instantaneous and accurate road-side evaluation technology for impaired driving. Current solution for roadside drug testing includes a device that is still just a qualitative indicator. Quantitative detection of drugs currently require expensive equipment, dedicated infrastructure and specialized laboratory personnel. To address this problem, eye3concepts inc. is teaming up with McMaster University to develop easy to use and cost-effective technology to detect the THC, cocaine, opiates, and alcohol in saliva. This project will enable developing important nanostructures based electrochemical features for this technology so that the results of the tests will be available within 2 minutes of administering the test. Given the global scale of this issue and absence of any low cost flexible solution of the type proposed by Eye3Concepts, the implementation of this project will boost the growth-rate of this company, create jobs in Canada and ultimately create a global flexible low-cost solution for real-time drug testing.

Faculty Supervisor:

Amin Rajabzadeh;Seshasai Srinivasan


Greter Amelia Ortega Rodriguez;Satish Kumar


Eye3concepts Inc






McMaster University


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