Development of soil quality guidelines for use in health risk assessments of contaminated pipeline compressor station sites

Intrinsik has identified a number of key chemical-pathway combinations that are missing environmental quality guidelines but frequently required for evaluating risks at pipeline compressor stations. With support from senior scientific personnel at Intrinsik, the intern will used environmental risk assessments methods to develop risk-based environmental quality guidelines that are relevant to the land use scenario(s) typical of pipeline compressor stations. The intern will benefit from this topical research project through the completion of the three objectives that will require the application of current risk assessment methods. Further, the intern will have the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in a fast-paced environmental field with experienced industry professionals. As the partner organization, Intrinsik will benefit through the development of soil quality guidelines for a set of chemical-pathway combinations that currently do not exist for land use scenarios like those applicable to pipeline compressor stations.

Faculty Supervisor:

Roberta Fulthorpe


Nino Devdariani


Intrinsik Environmental Sciences Inc.


Environmental sciences


Environmental industry


University of Toronto



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