Digitizing the End-of-Life Final Document Service

During COVID-19, unexpected death has become more commonplace, and many are finding themselves in the unfortunate position of dealing with their loved ones’ estates while continuing to worry about their own health and well-being. In a time where we are asked to stay indoors to protect ourselves and help ‘flatten the curve’, grieving family members are expected to deal with dozens – or even hundreds – of administrative tasks related to the estate of their deceased loved one. Many of these administrative duties are labour intensive, manual processes, whereby executors must print and mail forms, wait in government offices and meet with advisors to sign paperwork.
The goal of this research is to develop a user-friendly software that simplifies the end-of-life final document service and reduces manual work and in-person contact during the bereavement period. The project will involve an environmental scan of the political, technical, business and regulatory landscape surrounding the digitization of service delivery in Canada. Drawing on user-centered design (UCD) theory, user needs assessments, service design sessions and usability testing will be conducted to inform the development of the solution.

Faculty Supervisor:

Karim Keshavjee


Rachelle Perron


Cadence Final Document Services Ltd




Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services


University of Toronto



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