Diversity and abundance of and effects of anthropogenic development (forestry harvesting) on crepuscular aerial insect populations (primarily lepidoptera, coleoptera) and how they influence an aerial insectivore (Eastern whip-poor-will)

Birds and insects who are active at dusk and dawn rely on environmental cues, such as light, to forage. Whip-poor-will are one such bird, and they rely on flying insects that are active during the same periods for food. Which insects, however, is not well understood but is important to know for conservation efforts focused on declining whip-poor-will populations. Additionally, birds and insects are sensitive to changes in their environment that result from the expansion of anthropogenic disturbance. Forestry harvesting practices can temporarily affect bird and insect populations by directly altering their habitat or indirectly through other means. Despite that, the way harvesting practices and affect populations of insects and birds that are active at dawn and dusk is poorly understood.

Faculty Supervisor:

Donald Henne


Steven Beery


Resolute Forest Products


Resources and environmental management




Lakehead University



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