Drift wave turbulence in the presence of neoclassical forces

Hot plasmas are common throughout the universe, and generally exist in highly turbulent states. Turbulence, and the related anomalous (turbulent) transport, remains a great challenge of classical physics. This poses a substantial issue for the understanding of fundamental phenomena (magnetic dynamo, space and solar activity), and the development of efficient plasma devices (spacecraft thrusters, plasma processing devices, fusion reactors). The long-term objective of this research is to explain and predict the turbulent behavior and transport of magnetically confined fusion plasmas. This project will contribute to the general theory of plasma turbulence, and facilitate design and operation of various plasma devices, including large and small scale fusion projects such as General Fusion (Canada), and ITER (France), among others. This project promotes a deep knowledge of physics, strong skills in analytical and critical analysis, high performance computations, and the processing of large data sets. These skills and expertise are vital to maintain Canada’s competitiveness in science and high technology industries.

Faculty Supervisor:

Andrei Smolyakov


Jeffery Zielinski






University of Saskatchewan


Globalink Research Award

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