Effectiveness of using Engineered Floating Treatment Wetlands to reduce nutrients, pharmaceuticals, and antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes in wastewater

This proposed project will asses the effectiveness of Engineered Floating Treatment Wetlands (EFWs) for nutrient, pharmaceutical, and Antibiotic Resistant Gene (ARG) reduction in municipal wastewater treatment sewage lagoons. The project will involve controlled smaller scale experiments and a pilot scale real-world study conducted at the Village of Dunnottar sewage lagoon. Floating treatment wetlands will be planted with local aquatic plant species, and a controlled section of Dunnottar’s secondary treatment cell will be established for monitoring. This study will provide unique and original research related to EFW biological treatment of wastewater effluent broadening IISD’s larger Bioremediation research program, and as a companion study to the larger oils spill remedation study at the IISD-ELA research facility. If proven, these systems could be a cost-effective biological treatment solution for most rural wastewater lagoon systems to reduce contaminant discharge, meet required provincial regulations, and protect the health of aquatic systems such as Lake Winnipeg. Research done in Manitoba has potential for impact across Canada and globally.

Faculty Supervisor:

Nazim Cicek


Kenton McCorquodale-Bauer


International Institute for Sustainable Development




Professional, scientific and technical services


University of Manitoba


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