Evaluating the nutritive value of processed animal proteins (feather meals) for two commercially important fish species, rainbow trout and Nile tilapia.


Feather meal is an economical protein-rich feedstuffs produced from wastes generated by the poultry processing industry. The partner organization, a fish feed manufacturer based in Ontario, would greatly benefit from the accurate characterization of the nutritive value of feather meals for different fish species raised in Ontario. Inclusion of feather meal could significantly improve cost-effectiveness of fish feeds produced in Ontario. Comparison of the nutritive value of feather meals produced according to different processing conditions is important to fine-tune feed formulation and properly use this economical ingredient in feeds. The project will involve evaluating the nutritive value of different feather meals by carrying out large-scale growth and digestibility trials with two widely cultured fish species, namely rainbow trout and Nile tilapia.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Dominique P. Bureau


M. A. Kabir Chowdhury


Martin Mills Inc.


Animal science




University of Guelph



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